The Family Entrepreneurs – ASU e.V.
The Family Entrepreneurs – ASU e.V. is an association representing the interests of German family entrepreneurs. The association stands up for the fundamental values of the social market economy and represents the economic-political interests of 180,000 family entrepreneurs in Germany.
Private Equity Forum NRW e.V.
The Private Equity Forum NRW e.V. sees itself as a competence center for all aspects of private equity. By bundling the competencies of its members, the Private Equity Forum NRW e.V. acts as an opinion leader in the market. In this way, it complements the work of the national association, the Bundesverband Deutscher Kapitalbeteiligungsgesellschaften e.V. (BVK) – and the international association EVCA.
Leander Zerbach, managing partner of Zerbach & Company, is an assessor on the board of the Private Equity Forum NRW.